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( direct link: https://youtu.be/7ay6d9sOSVo )

We had so much fun in Shikoku and have been very excited to share all the things we found.  On top of that every now and then we make a video that nails exactly what we want to  be producing in terms of balance of content, pacing and good memories of the filming process. This is one of those videos, enjoy!    

Oh yea, don't forget to check out the website associated with this video for some pictures and a bit more background: http://kydeanderic.com/Takamatsu

Thanks to everyone here for your support, we are excited to get more from Shikoku your way soon!


Our First Days in Shikoku, Japan | Takamatsu!

Welcome to the start of our over 900 mile road trip around Japan's smallest main island: Shikoku! Check out an amazing mountain temple, some stunning local foods and a love hotel with us! Subscribe for tons more! https://goo.gl/mkAwyy Support our videos at Patreon http://patreon.com/kydeanderic Our Website http://kydeanderic.com/Takamatsu http://instagram.com/kydeanderic http://facebook.com/kydeanderic http://twitter.com/kydeanderic http://reddit.com/r/KydeandEric https://discord.gg/6svQze3 Support our video gear via Amazon wishlist https://goo.gl/6kNbPt Paypal contributions can be made here http://www.kydeanderic.com/index.php#Contributions #japan #shikoku #worldtravel



"This is one of those cars that stops when you're not moving." OK, I know what you *meant*, but... ;-)


Catching up on your shikoku videos after a busy few weeks :) what an incredible day up that mountain temple and at the beach! I need to go to there. Ok on to episode 2 :)


Yea, Shikoku is very high on my list of places in Japan, especially if you can rent a car. -E