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Ok, so a bit of stuff going on with tech glitches. The previous video we posted about the Sakura flavored foods is getting these black blinks in the videos on Youtube when it's uploaded to our K&E channel, but not on my other personal channel or in the source video. I've been in contact with Youtube and the problem keeps getting escalated to higher level dev teams, but they still don't have a fix, therefore I didn't make that video live to the world outside of Patreon yet.

I just uploaded this new video and scanned through it and did not see this weird "black frame" issue happening thankfully, but I didn't have a chance to watch the entire thing so I may have missed it. If you guys see any technical glitches (especially black frames) let me know and I'll upload this video to my personal channel to hopefully give you a clean viewing experience. Or you can download the file straight from us here (it's over 8GB, be careful): http://kydeanderic.com/x/NagsakiShi-Part2.mp4

All that aside, if you have any questions for our discussion videos hit us up down below! Ohh, and enjoy the video!!



Two More Days in Nagasaki City, Japan!

Join us for Battleship Island, some crazy vending machines and more of Nagasaki's best foods! Subscribe! https://goo.gl/mkAwyy Support our videos at Patreon http://patreon.com/kydeanderic Our Website http://kydeanderic.com/Nagasakishi http://instagram.com/kydeanderic http://facebook.com/kydeanderic http://twitter.com/kydeanderic http://reddit.com/r/KydeandEric https://discord.gg/6svQze3 Support our video gear via Amazon wishlist https://goo.gl/6kNbPt Paypal contributions can be made here http://www.kydeanderic.com/index.php#Contributions



that bathroom area.


enjoyed the vidio as usual ; thank you for the sakura flavored kitkat it was very tasty yum=yum