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(direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cck09cIMPU )

I'm sitting here a little stunned I'm done with this chapter of our lives, having just finished editing the Europe series. It was 46 videos clocking in at 28 hours of videos. I'd bet I had around 40 hours of footage* that I started with to make all the videos from, which is pretty crazy to think of when I reflect on how long it takes to edit that much content, haha.

Anyways, we hope you enjoyed it and we hope you are looking forward to the series we filmed in Kyushu! Going to start editing that tomorrow, haha!

Make sure to hit us up with questions for the discussion videos!

Oh, did you guys have any favorite videos or moments from the Europe series? We'd love to hear what stuck out to you!

*Nothing of substance was "cut", just random b-roll makes up the footage that isn't included in edited videos, which there is a lot of. 


Our Last Days in Athens, Greece, and Europe

After 8 countries and 46 videos totaling 28 hours our final video from Europe is here! Here is the full Europe playlist ....► https://goo.gl/G8z1pT New here? Enjoying? Subscribe!..► https://goo.gl/mkAwyy Support our videos at Patreon ....► http://patreon.com/kydeanderic We have a website!.......................► http://kydeanderic.com/Athens Athens Part 1 ► https://youtu.be/wp7saVOpf4U Athens Part 2 ► https://youtu.be/724MoWOIHms http://instagram.com/kydeanderic http://facebook.com/kydeanderic http://twitter.com/kydeanderic http://reddit.com/r/KydeandEric https://discord.gg/6svQze3 Patreon is the best way to support our videos, but you can also make contributions here ► http://www.kydeanderic.com/index.php#Contributions Help us buy video gear on our Amazon wishlist ► https://goo.gl/6kNbPt



They look so goofy in their shoes and outfit. I haven't seen that many change of guards but I think the change of guards at the royal palace in Stockholm is pretty majestic :) But It's hard to understand what is going on.. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGd-PcHgzSU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGd-PcHgzSU</a> My experience of Athens. Athens international airport, bus ride to their harbor Pireas. Then of with a boat to a couple of islands. Thanks for the video! :) Glad to support you! Now I need some shirts ;)


It’s strange when y’all stopped doing japan videos to do this series I was like “oh god! What am I going to do I’ll miss japan so much!” But now I’m kinda sad Europe is ending. I think I learned I just like watching y’all. It doesn’t matter what you’re showing us. Y’all are just great people to be around!


It is so awesome to hear that people who are into our videos for a specific interest also enjoy videos outside of that subject, it's easily my favorite thing to hear regarding the video project. Thank you!! -Eric


Haha, yea, the changing of the guards is, something, haha. Really hope to see some of those islands ourselves someday! So much to explore! -E