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Let's chat about the last bit of Croatia!

Load us up with more questions if you got them! Even follow up questions to things we addressed here are good! Anything!

Thanks everyone!


Patreon Discussion Video | Dubrovnik, Croatia!

Thanks, everyone!



What do you think of China's new social credit. Many people seem outraged over it but wondering from your perspective as you've seen what it's like? Also do you have an amazon wish list with things like bigger sd cards or things you'd like?


Very interesting question! Added to our list! Oh, we do have a wishlist and yea, it's mostly for storage stuff! Haha. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1VYVXWJTX92XN/ref=cm_wl_huc_view" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1VYVXWJTX92XN/ref=cm_wl_huc_view</a>


I love to snoop too, I go right past that velvet rope, my husband is the velvet rope guy and he is usually horrified. Anyways, doctors will say probiotics dont work...but dont work for what? Scientists are still working on studying this which means doctors often will say it's bogus because it's still being studied. Probiotics are temporary, they don't collonize, they do their job as they pass through to tune the immune system and maybe even interact with your genetics and then that's it, they are pooped out. We are just in the infancy of learning about probiotics...we really know almost nothing. One study I love is how people who ate probiotic yogurt had less of a fear reaction when viewing disturbing images on a computer. It reduces anxiety. Crazy! activated charcoal is actually used in a lot of medical situations when poison is involved. if you think you have just eaten something too dank to handle, you can take activated charcoal to try and absorb some of that dank. its like a poison sponge. its used in cleanses. it also whitens your teeth if you brush with it due to that absorbing power =) air purifiers will have charcoal filters to absorb particles in the air.


Yea, so, I wasn't super clear about what my doc said about probiotics, he didn't specifically say they do nothing, but he was also not telling me they were 100% going to help my body deal with new bacteria while travelling. Interesting the studies being done, it's a seemingly harmless thing to take, so if it has any positive effects that's a plus. I wonder if you take activated charcoal after you've realized your sick and are already throwing up, etc, does it still help? Or is it too late? -Eric