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Ok, some people here asked for how the last bit of our time in Scotland went and here is a nearly hour long video of us trying to explain everything that went wrong. This turned out to be fairly therapeutic for us to shoot and we never assumed it would be so long, but quite a lot went wrong, haha. Hopefully it's not too much negativity for you guys, but we share so many good things happening it's fair to share the rough bits too. Back to our normal format for the next videos, of course. 


Patreon Discussion Video - Last Days in London / Real Talk About Scotland

Hope this wasn't too intense for everyone, hahaha.



I have a friend of a friend who is from scotland and I happened to be at a BBQ with her this past weekend so I asked her if there was any sort of culture in scotland where people don't like responsibility! I repeated all of your stories to her with that common thread of "that's not our responsibility" and it all sounded foreign and strange behavior to her. However, maybe as a scottish person she wouldn't be able to notice. If she is never expecting to get help, she wouldn't notice never getting help. Or maybe I couldn't articulate the culture you encountered as well as you did. And of course she has used Ryan air before without much trouble, she didn't immediately say anything negative about them. My guess is everyone in scotland in early spring is probably vitamin D deficient and therefore somewhat miserable? I know it's the off season but is a car rental for 7 pounds per day even possible? Maybe it's not possible (I've never gotten a budget car rental for anywhere near that cheap, but I don't travel in the off season) and you guys didn't lose as much money as you think? =/


Well, to be fair everyone is going to have a different experience when in a place, but your friend might be the only person in Europe that doesn't groan at the first sound of the word "Ryann Air." haha. And yes, 7 pounds a day is super cheap. It doesn't make it OK to run a scam and literally rob people. It wasn't all about how much we spent, but about being locked into dealing with someone incredibly untrustworthy and being nervous our entire trip they were going to continue to rob us more when we returned the car. There is no excuse for the way they do business, it's disgusting and lacks respect for other human beings. It is without a doubt the worst "customer service" experience I have ever had and judging by their reviews on google we aren't alone. -Eric


I hadn't watched this before, but after the last days in Scotland video I watched it. You guys did go through hell, but I am not very surprised unfortunately :/ As someone who is born and raised in The Netherlands, this is very much a West-Europe (Netherlands, France, Germany, UK...) mentality: the "not my responsibility" thing, rude or just "don't care" service etc. It's actually quite funny, because I find a lot of people here will call any decent kind of hospitality of service just "fake" or say "just act normal". It's mostly a cultural thing I think of people being colder and more focused on themselves. I don't want to come off too negative, as there sure are good things about West-Europe, and I will probably be quite biased on this type of stuff as I've spent a considerable amount of time outside West-Europe (Southern Europe, US, Japan), but yeah. I do have some advice in that regard: if you're traveling through West-Europe, just go to more expensive places or chains. It's going to be a better experience, as the service is much more regulated by management. Same goes for airlines. RyanAir, EasyJet etc just don't have good service, and in those kinds of situations I'd rather just pay a little extra personally to get better service. As you mentioned with Venice, Southern Europe is a lot better in that regard. People are very warm, and even in very touristy areas, people are still friendly as long as you are. Maybe it is a climate thing, as you mentioned? Haha.


All that makes a lot of sense in retrospect. I hate to say this but it really seemed to ramp up once we got to Scotland. Maybe we were just more sensitive to it, I'm not sure. But somehow we really ended up with a lot of really negative encounters one after another, thinking back on it now it doesn't even feel like it actually happened, hahaha. We did a few things that cost more than others and still had moments where staff was unhelpful, and we did things that we bottom of the barrel cheap and met awesome staff so in our somewhat limited experience we didn't see a strong correlation between cost of an experience and quality of service, but maybe we need more data to see how it pans out. No big deal, it's all part of traveling and learning, of course. -Eric