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I'm running low on questions again! If anyone has any at all drop them in the comments! Thanks, everyone!


Patreon Discussion Video | Borneo Part 10

Thanks everyone!



I'd love to know when South America or Africa or Europe is gonna happen. What's on the list after finishing Asia? :)


A question for you Eric: you had made some videos a couple years ago about going to punk shows in Tokyo. Do you still go to punk shows now? Are you doing anything else musically still (like playing drums)? Question for both of you: do you have any plans to travel soon to further places like South America or Europe? You've mentioned it a couple times before, but I was wondering if you were in a situation yet where you can do it :) It would be awesome to see you travel outside of Asia as well! (though Asia is awesome of course! ;))


We are talking about that and trying to figure a thing out for this winter. It's still not decided though. -E