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Here are all of July's videos! 

Eric Hitchhikes to Hokkaido | Part 26 - Exploring Rebun Island!

Borneo! | Part 9: Jungle River Cruise in Sakau!

Street Racing in Gunma, Japan!

It's Raining Ice Cubes in Tokyo

Eric Hitchhikes to Hokkaido | Part 27 - Homeward!

As always I'm interested to hear what your favorite videos of the month were! Personally for me there is a lot this month that was really wonderful to share between the signs of Rebun Island, the awesome jungle river cruise in Borneo and the tie up of the final hitchhiking video. That said, I think it's hard to top the experience of getting to check out the street racing scene in Gunma as it's just so outside of our normal world. But I have to say, when ice cubes fell out out the sky that was a surprise too, hahaha.

As for the future: I'm working on the Hong Kong series right now. A couple more Borneo videos are on their way as well. As my foot has been feeling better hopefully we will be shooting a ward video or two soon, then I may head out and shoot something new on my own this September. Other than that we have rough plans for this winter, but nothing totally fleshed out quite yet, we will keep you posted!





I may need therapy after seeing that picture. WHAT am I looking at?! Also, I somehow missed hearing you hurt your foot. Do you remember which video that was? I thought I was caught up. Hm...


Lol! Eric reliving childhood memories.


I think I just mentioned it in discussion videos, but basically I was drunk and jumped off something way too high and sprained my ankle pretty bad. Like, I couldn't really walk for 2 weeks. It's slowly getting better though. -E