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Out of nowhere a huge storm rolled into Tokyo and dropped piles of ice cubes out of the sky. That's not usual.


It's Raining Ice Cubes in Tokyo

Out of nowhere a huge storm rolled into Tokyo and dropped piles of ice cubes out of the sky. That's not usual. More on Instagram ► http://instagram.com/kydeanderic Support our videos at Patreon ► http://patreon.com/kydeanderic Subscribe ► http://youtube.com/kydeanderic?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram ►http://instagram.com/kydeanderic Facebook ► http://facebook.com/kydeanderic Twitter .....► http://twitter.com/kydeanderic Reddit ......► http://reddit.com/r/KydeandEric Patreon is the best way to support our videos, but you can also make contributions here ► http://www.kydeanderic.com/index.php#Contributions You might also like these other videos we have made: Japanese Love Doll Exhibition ........► https://youtu.be/0H7B2RPbE6Y Snow Festival in Hokkaido, Japan...► https://youtu.be/y9EvlV2E_hc Tokyo Disneyland..............................► https://youtu.be/BKePs_kHCzw Japanese Mascot Festival...............► https://youtu.be/UH3F8ETlalw Vietnam.............................................► https://goo.gl/Zd9hhF Myanmar...........................................► https://goo.gl/ELAhh1 Taiwan...............................................► https://goo.gl/T6F3gC The Philippines.................................► https://goo.gl/1Jiimz Borneo!.............................................► https://goo.gl/xnwXog Filmed with a Sony DSC-HX90V



I just got this months postcard, thanks for the warning on the envelope!!!


Two questions about Otsuka: 1. Is there a large Muslim population here? What's the deal with the guy loudly reading a paper outside the station? Checked out the onigiri and ramen places from the Google doc, both were fantastic.


There is a tiny little mosque in Otsuka, so you'll see quite a few muslim people coming through on their way there. It's actually a neat little building, super slim but very much looks like a mosque. Not too common to find in Japan. Not sure what you are refering to with the guy reading a paper. Sometimes there are political rallies, but elections are over right now so I'm not sure what you saw. Glad you enjoyed the onigiri and ramen places!!


Haha, we figured that would be the most tasteful way to send a tasteless postcard! -E