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Here is a list of all the videos we put out in June! 

Borneo! | Part 7: Climbing Batu Punggul! 

Eric Hitchhikes to Hokkaido | Part 25 - Exploring Rishiri Island! 

Kyde's Birthday Unagi! 

Japanese Love Doll Exhibition

Borneo! | Part 8: Hanging out in Tawau! 

Hi everyone! We had an exciting June. Starting it off was a weekend in Gunma with some other friends and Youtubers where we filmed something that will be coming soon (picture above is a hint), then we had Kyde's birthday (karaoke all day followed by unagi) and later a party where we made oatmeal and then played 4-square with a bunch of friends. We also launched our Instagram and started a bit of a new format with our endcards to hopefully improve our video performance strength on Youtube in the long run.  I also had a good time editing video in June as we got to share a lot of videos I had been excited about posting for a long time. Looking at the list I'm having trouble picking my favorite between Climbing Batu Punggu, the bike ride around Rishiri and of course the Love Doll video. What was your favorite video last month?

By the way, on Twitter and Instagram I posted a few days ago about how I drunkenly jumped off a ledge and injured my foot pretty badly. We found a doctor with an X-Ray machine yesterday (tricky on a Sunday, even in Tokyo) and confirmed there are no broken bones but I'm still not able to walk very well. Unfortunately this put the plans to shoot a ward video last Sunday on hold, but hopefully I will be better in a week or two. Don't worry though, we still have tons of back footage to edit and get out so there shouldn't be any interruption in videos being posted. One more hitchhiking video, a few more Borneo videos and of course the Hong Kong series is all on the way. Plus the video hinted at above!

Take care, everyone.  -Eric
