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Hey everyone,

We will be making some changes soon to some things in an effort and balance out the juggling act that is channel promotion, keeping Youtube's autobots happy and making sure we have a good interface with everyone here at Patreon for your amazing support. We will have a video up explaining the changes for everyone sometime in the next week or so once we have everything nailed down. But we thought it would be fun to let everyone here know a bit ahead of the rest of the world that we will be launching an Instagram account to provide a little more background that goes into video production and random little snippets of things we come across.  If you are an Instagram user, feel free to follow us over there as we learn how to use it, hahaha.


-Kyde & Eric


Kyde and Eric (@kydeanderic) * Instagram photos and videos

7 Followers, 15 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kyde and Eric (@kydeanderic)



Any chance that the long awaited merch is included in the channel promotion?...just kidding. I know you all are super busy with life stuffs. I'm just afraid you're going to release it while I am at camp with my kids and unable to have internet connection or I'll be broke that week and miss out! (Yes, I am concerned that you will sell out in a week or less. I have issues.) Glad to see you all on Instagram :)


That's not coming in this week....but it is coming. The plan is to have a pre-order for a month or something once we announce it. -E


I need Kyde and Eric merch in my life ahahah I am happy you are coming to Instagram.!