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Here are a few full-resolution photos from Our first day exploring Gunma during a rainy day in Takasaki. We didn't take many photos during this trip, apparently, but we have a ton of video haha.

Click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.

Related video: https://youtu.be/0RcSYT3601U

More on the way! Thanks for your support here on Patreon!

oh, by the way, by the time you read this we should be in The States!

-Eric & Kyde


Cool find on a train platform. Storage for "dangerous items." Looks old.
Kyde's 69th koban!
These photos usually end up here haha
That's a big foot.
From a big lady.
I love the text here explaining not to freak out by the big friendly bees. I like bees.
Killer sunset after a soggy day.
Killer place to watch a killer sunset after a soggy day.
Lots of Japan vibes here.



That giant foot (bigger then even yours!)--was that done in concrete made to look like cut stone? Very interesting technique to get that outline.


I'm not actually sure, but yea, it looks really clean. I didn't think to inspect it when we were there.