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Hey everybody, just wanted to give ya'll an update. I've been feeling like doing a more involved project again so I decided to finish the short comic I started like two years ago (you can find it on here if you search for comic.). I had considered  just starting a new one, I feel like I have a better idea of what style to use for a comic now, but it seems a shame to throw away all the work I did on that one. 

     The comic is pretty far along but I'm going to at least rework a few sections of it in terms of drawing. Then after that I'm not sure about color. I have a few pages colored but I'm thinking That I might just switch it over to a limited color palette like I use in some of my drawings. I think it will be quicker and also end up looking nicer than the current colors I'm using. after that I think I might hand letter the comic since I've been more into the hand lettering now than I was when I started the comic. 

     I'm not sure how long finishing up will take me but I'm gonna try to keep it reasonable and not rework too much of it. it probably largely depends on my regular job work load as well. The past couple weeks I've had more work than I've had recently. Last week was a full work week so its been a bit difficult to get a lot done drawing wise. Summer is usually my busy season though so it should fall off soonish.

     I'm hoping by now ya'll have realized that I tend to update frequently but irregularly! When I get stuff done I tend to just wanted to post it right away but I should probably be scheduling things out so updates go out at predictable intervals. I'm trying to worry about my output less because I'm doing as much as I can so there's no sense in getting worked up about it.

     A final bit of unrelated housekeeping, If anyone ever wants to make suggestions/ give me prompts for drawing they can do it over on discord. I'm not promising I'll do anything with them but if they strike my fancy or I need something to doodle during a warmup you might get lucky and I'll draw something from it. I already did one pic that's still in progress from a suggestion!  In general if ya'll want to engage in the discord more I'd be happy, that being said I'm awful at starting/ driving online conversations so I understand why its dead over there.



I'm just not used to using Discord at all. Your nerd stuff is pretty great.

Antowan Batts

Your output is amazing. You're the most productive artist I've ever seen.as for the comic i look forward to it!