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Hey everyone just wanted to check in with ya'll. How do you think the patreon is going thus far? What kinds of things are ya'll most interested in seeing from me? Obviously sometimes I'll be feeling motivated to do specific things but I'd still like to know what it is you guys like, whether it's specific genres,   or certain types of content, ie sketches , illustrations , comics, animations. Also is anyone interested in art process talk/ tutorials or do you guys just wanna see the pretty pictures? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!



This patreon has been my favorite so far. Totally worth the price of admission. The diversity in your pieces is what's really great, from the ages to the races and sexual identities, everyone's included. Maybe more comics and animations? I personally would like to see your process and tutorials.


Thanks! I've been thinking about finishing up that comic that I've been letting languish and I would love to do more animations! I always just worry that those things are so time intensive that I would be posting less.

Antowan Batts

I agree i really like your content. your representation of diversity is amazing! I wouldn't say no to art tutorials even though im not an artist. I think you're on a great track. You are one of the best monthly contributions I make!