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      Working on this comic some more! Yesterday someone on Twitter said on of my pictures inspired their writing of a story. It was very flattering but I also did the sketch based on an idea for a comic that I’ve had for years and it made me want  to actually do the comic.

    Then I realized there is no way I will finish anything if I try to do two comics at once so I decided that I need to start to consistently work on this one and finish it up. It’s still gonna be a while, this is the 4th page out of probably 8ish and none of the pages I’ve started are finished, but I’m gonna try to get at least some work done on it each week.

        Also I think I’m gonna keep comics Patreon only(and I’ll probably look into gumroad). Comics are a lot of work and  It’s so hard to find the motivation to do them so maybe if I’m actually getting paid for them I’ll stick to it better. Hopefully nobody gets too upset since I’ve never stuck anything major behind a paywall, but hey, it’s the internet so I’m sure someone will cuss me out and tell me my art isn’t worth money!



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