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Hey Everyone! 

    I was going to wait until the I was done with the most recent page of "HOTSHIT" to post but its going slowly and I was excited to share what's done so far!  I'll be making posts of new pages as they are finished as well as making a Master Post that will be a Collection on Patreon. That Collection will be updated with a PDF of all the currently finished pages of HOTSHIT. Also HOTSHIT will be exclusive to PATRONS or purchasable on Gumroad.

    Now that that's out of the way, I'm pretty pleased with how this is coming out! I've really been taking my time with the drawing and I think the results show it. I feel like a lot of these drawings are some of the better ones I've done! Also, I've been letting myself have a lot of fun with the lettering in this. I feel like I normally pressure myself into make lettering in a multi image thing more consistent in terms of style. subsequently I get a bit bored of writing the same way for so long and rush it. This time I was more whimsical, so it's not consistent stylistically but the quality is higher. 

    what do you guys think so far?  Are you guys excited see more of this? I ask because it definitely does take a lot of time so I'm trying to gauge what percent of my time I should dedicate to it and, consequently, how often I should update it. Would you guys want a page a week, a page every two weeks, a page a month? Just stick to illustrations and single panel comics?

     I'd love to hear your thoughts! I wanna keep the Patreon exclusive stuff interesting for you guys, so everyone's input really helps shape the direction of the Patreon. You can share with me on here, over on discord, in the comments, in a DM. really anywhere is cool!

 Alright, peace out guys!

 Hopeless Bohemian



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