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So,  you've got questions?  We've got answers! (maybe....)

Just reply to this post with your questions below.   All inquiries are welcome.  Do you want to talk to the developers?  Do you just wanna know more about the kind of things your favorite character (s) like?  Are there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your chance to ask the devs:  "what's happening?"  Don't be shy, no question shall go   unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers  Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3


Kilik Odagawa

Well, time to be the dirty little harlot I normally subdue. For the working boys (Janus, Alex, etc.), what part of the body, after mouths of course, do you prefer massaging with your lips while on the job?


Janus can be adventurous, or a hopeless, romantic; you'll know which one when he peppers your neck and work his way down to your cock or to your ass. Alex is a bit kinky, and will draw on your shoulders, neck, sack, and feet.