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Greetings fellow wanderers,
I've been granted this rare opportunity to offer up my knowledge to questions you may have about Wolfstar: Sins and Paradise.  I'm thoroughly excited to provide intellectual sustenance to hungry minds desiring wisdom.  No questions are too big or small; every one of them is a chance for everyone alike to learn and grow.   

Just reply to  this post with your questions below.  Every inquiry will be answered from my (Cornelius') point of view, so expect bias opinions, occasional poor answers to trivia, and snarky responses alike.

Time to be brave, don't hold back!  I'll do my best to provide you with the invaluable answers you seek!  

*A new character will be here for next month's Q&A, and every month thereafter in a cycle.*
Let's have fun!  =3




Well my dear sir Cornelius, I would like to ask you a couple simple questions about our favorite sinners. 1) what is the each member's favorite food? What do the sinners enjoy to chow down? 2) Has Hugo, or any other sinner of the group ever got near to be fully corrupted and turn into minions of other demons of paradise?

Dane Moo

do each of the dancers at Pleasure Island have a preferred room for VIP services? there are plenty of rooms in the club, but some have to be better than others, right? haha


It's funny you should mention that; I tend to chat behind the scenes with the guys about food quite often. Food porn is an obsession of mine and I tend to flood their telegram posts with images of mostly Chinese food--which is a shared favorite amongst most members in our group. Alex has a thing for English cuisine: blood puddings, sausage, beans and mash, and mushrooms. Janus, Hyper, Rufus and Hugo all prefer your typical American style cheeseburgers, freedom fries and chocolate shakes fare. Jennifer Mason is a steak dinner kinda woman, but she also mentioned enjoying a ballpark stadium hotdog and beer. Rose and Dagio absolutely love Italian pastas, meat and cheese platters and wine assortments. CrazyLouD is regrettably on a strict salad diet, and says she doesn't remember the last time she ate anything enjoyable. Ricky and Martin share a notorious sweet tooth and don't care what they eat so long as they can get to the desserts as fast as possible. Something odd that our villainous characters--The Tax Man, Sancho, Mammon, Boss Ape and Cloven-- all share Mexican food as their favorite type. It's rather uncanny to me.


Why yes, yes they do. As for the quality of the rooms, Hugo has the best room of the Pleasure Island Hotel with his Royal Suite--rooms quickly degrade in quality with the bottom floors consisting of basic accommodations with minimal services, yet budget-friendly pricing. Most patrons prefer the two star experience: renting a room by the hour, which is an exceptional economical choice with improved comfort, suitable for "foreign" visitors on a budget and business travelers. Most of our patrons are indulging in quick carnal desires, so you'll be hard pressed to find anyone willing to upgrade to upscale accommodations with luxury touches...but you'll find that our staff are prepared to offers a wide range of "services" and "amenities"...if you catch my meaning [waggles eyebrows].