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Howlies Sinners and Furreaks!

So the bad news by the title of this post is that we will be expecting a delay on the next Sinful build due to medical reasons.

The good news is I am finally getting the infusion treatment my kidney doctor has wanted me to have for over a year now.  There are 2 infusion shots that I'll be receiving with a 2 week grace period between shots.  It's happening, but it comes with consequences and risks.

This bad boy is gonna be rough, a 6 hour long, fever, chills and sweat inducing treatment that's going to leave me in a very weak state.  I am the reason why me and the hubby won't be able to go to TFF this year, because on top of the very weaken state I'll be in, the process will also leave me with a crappy immune system for a short while too.  So no BIG crowd events for this cranky old lion man.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience, and will do my best to catch up with the rest of Team Paradise's efforts.  All of our artists have been working hard to bring in new content, and I'm very proud of everything I've seen developing.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding during this rough patch.  We've already had a lot of luck on our side that was unexpected, and pray that luck holds out for us in the future.  I have been truly blessed thus far, and we are extremely hopeful to share positive results when this is all done.

We'll be seeing you with an update soon.  Until next time, take care everyone!


Hikaru Ginno

Please, by all means, focus on your health Wolfstar. This is more important than anything else. That you and Dyne can live a long, happy and healthy life together is more important than anything. *Hugs for you both*

Simon Electric

Sending prayers for better days and good health my friend. Take care of yourself.