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Oh Hugo, when will you ever learn not to trust strange Bars?  Ah well, another handsome grunt joins the bartender orc shaman's army of thralls  x3

Well, with Lumus' help, maybe Hugo will kick drinking alcohol altogether.  There are gonna be some epic sounding BURPS coming from Pleasure Island tonight!   X3

Hikaru spots you from across the room.  He let's his loose pants fall to the floor.  What will you do?  0.O


Hikaru Ginno

OMG, the colours are beautiful. Thank you Wolfstar! *BIG HUG* and btw. after they fall the question is what would I do 😈?


It's Wolfstar and Rotter's turn now to save their bull boss. (Or join him too...? Will see X3c....!) Awesome works man ^3^! Once more, happy Orctober and happy Halloween ;3c...!