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Howlies fellow sinners and furreaks!  x3

Cornelius:  "It is with my utmost greatest pleasure to make this announcement!  Thanks to our amazing Patreon members we have sold out of slots for the Wonderland cameos!
Thank you is just not adequate enough coming from me, so I'm going to take my own advice, and talk less, and let our lead artist of Team Paradise say a few words instead.  Take it away, Mark Thorne!"

Mark:  "WhooHoo"  
"We Did It"
"Good Job Everybody"
"But- wow I'm not good with public statements here.  Thank you everyone, this is a big deal for us all and we appreciate your help and support!"

Cornelius: "We are both so thrilled, and excited to start up the biggest event in Sins and Paradise history!  And all of this was made possible by you, the fans!  You keep our spirits high, and we are ever so grateful to bring you more of the content you love each month!  From the bottom of this cranky humble lion man's heart, and the hearts of each member of Team Paradise, we offer you our thanks!"   =3



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