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So, you've got questions?  We've got answers! (maybe....)
Just reply to this post with your questions below.  All inquiries are  welcome.  Do you want to talk to the Team Paradise developers?  Do you just wanna know  more about the kind of things your favorite character(s) like?  Are  there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your  chance to ask the devs what's happening?  Don't be shy, no question  shall go unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3


Dane Moo

what's in store for the Pleasure Island boys for the next few in-game days?


Events for the Pleasure Island employees? Let's take a look at the schedule: 1. Club orgy is next (a crowd favorite) 2. New Hires Amateur Show 3. Drag Queen Night 4. Rufus' Surprise Birthday 5. The Minotaur League Meat Up


Measurements eh? How big *is* everyone? Height-wise.


Kitsune....6'1 Rose..........6'4 Wolfstar and Cornelius are an even 7 feet. Jenny........7'2 Magnus...7'4 Alex 7'6 Hyper 7'11 Janus 8'7 Rufus.......8,10 Dagio.......9'3 Hugo........9'5


Ah. What I call "Superhero heights". Also I, I mean Janus is 8'7"?!