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Howlies fellow sinners and furreaks!
It's real talk time.  

When I first began this project as a solo gamedev, it was during the period of my life that was absolutely riddled with "uncertain times".  Me and my hubby just moved from California, and were officially on our own--living with room mates in Texas.  We worked from home, and have enjoyed the love and success of our respective games and artwork!   

This moment where we crossed the $500 milestone, it was the kind of boost I thrived on.  It was such a surreal experience that to this day continues to be a moment of pride-- one of our greatest accomplishments together.

I want to thank you all for coming this far with me and with Team Paradise's game development.  I'm personally so moved by your kindness, patience and fandom.  Working on this project every day is a dream come true!  Thank you so much!!!  

Please indulge me further, I'd like to take this time to remember our humble beginnings, where it all started.  There's a link on my itchio page for the legacy demo of Sins and Paradise version 9.9 .  It'll always be there so we can have a timestamp of where our quality was, and appreciate the crossroad of where this project was progressing towards for the future.   

I can't help feeling nostalgic every time I see the old works... created during my novice art skills fresh from my time at The Art Institute.  No seriously, they thought I was good enough to run a business on my own.  Oye vey, the hubris!  Nevertheless, thank you for sticking with Sins, with me, and with us while the artwork has become something we are truly proud of (ESPECIALLY THANK YOU MARK THORNE).  It's been an insane journey, and we're thrilled for all the new content that's coming our way!!!  

Thank you for making Sins and Paradise with us   =3

See you next update!!!



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