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We're going back to the drawing board with a certain Halloween ghost...

....oh my

Okay...you know what, just this once, let's have some fun!  THE FOLLOWING IMAGES ARE NOT CANON AND WILL NOT APPEAR AS IS IN THE GAME  X3

Just f*ck him already!!!!

(cough coughs)

ahem, pardon the technical difficulties, let's look at things that will actually appear in the next update then.

This scene during our phone tutorial bit was long overdue to be updated!  I am proud of this daily picturesque lunch between Dagio and Wolfstar.  I may have to revisit and add a bit more dialogue to the scene if there's time enough.

Who is that good boi!?

Just three amazing wolves watching a horror movie together.  Damn Mark is doing such an amazing job with Dagio, Rufus, and Wolfstar.  I feel inspired enough to write  more story with these three characters.  I really enjoy their chemistry  x3

That's all the teasers for this month.

I can't thank you all enough for the continued support.  You've been helping this old game dev's dreams come true, and are part of creating the world of Sins and Paradise.  Thank you so much, I love you all, you furreaks and sinners!   x3

See you next month for more teasers!


Hikaru Ginno

Wow, they all look so great already. Thanks for the teasers.


Yay! WereRufus! He's so cute :3