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Thank you everyone who joined in last month's Q&A!!!  =3

So,  you've got questions?  We've got answers! (maybe....)

Just reply to this post with your questions below.  All inquiries are welcome.  Do you want to talk to the developers?  Do you just wanna know more about the kind of things your favorite character (s) like?  Are there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your chance to ask the devs what's happening?  Don't be shy, no question shall go unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3



Dane Moo

do the Pleasure Island boys make house calls? or is all "business" done on club property?


All official business takes place on club property, anything else is considered a side gig, ya dig? =3


Ok i have 2 questions. 1) BFP. The soda that helps all to release their inner beasts. During the game, we did saw some details about it, but when does it started coming out? Will we learn more details about it? 2) Is Dane a pure bullman too, or a BFP user as well, and if so, will we going to see any time his human form too X3c...??


Your husband told me that I can't answer any questions from you until you're officially off probation x3