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Winston:  You're all mine now, Rand!  Welcome to the dark side!
Rand:  Cool.  Do we get cookies?

Emmerson:  (Context: woke up to find himself transformed)  Where did this come from?  Where did my red scales go?  Why do I feel so dapper?

Kilik is standing on his tip toes, and Janus is on his knees.

Dagio:  How do you like your new form, my slave?

Artemis:  Purrowls!  Thank you for transforming me, my dark master!  I bet you, let me repay you by worshiping your whole body with my tongue!

Lumus:  Sweet!  Our cock became fatter too!

Janus:  Give me back my body you thief!

Customer:  Holy fuck this ale packs a punch!  Please keep that special brand of  BFP cummin', Boss!

GGG Hugo:  No problem...MMMMMMPPH!!!!  ORDER UP, YA DUMB SLUTS!!!!



I wouldn't mind waking up in Cornelius's body. 😜