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Thank you everyone who joined in last month's Q&A!!!  =3

So,  you got questions?  We got answers! (maybe....)

Just reply to this post with your questions below.  All inquiries are welcome.  Do you want to talk to the developers?  Do you just wanna know more about the kind of things your favorite character (s) like?  Are there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your chance to ask the devs what's happening?  Don't be shy, no question shall go unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3



Ralf O'Possum

(3) When Fury was telling Wolfstar about Hyper's emotions, was he just trying to get to Wolfstar's head, or was there some truth to the matter?


First, about Wolfstar's curses. We learn a little bit about the sword, and rage, but will we learn in more details later on in the story how he got them? Second, why did Hugo changed his name? Is there a story behind to this, and shall we learn about it in the future of the game O.O...!?


Most of what Fury said was to get to Wolfstar's head. He spoke half truths at best.


There will be more revealed about the Black Soul Saber. Hugo changed his name? Did I perform lazy typing again? Where's my editor!? >.< (Seriously, please let me know where this comes up. Might be something I forgot about x3


Looking forward for them! And no no! I meant why he changed his name to "Hugo". Sorry for the confusion ^^;....


Everyone of my date-a-bull men from Sins came from my old calendar series. My bull character was representing March, and Hugo is one of the names associated with that month =3