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Last Q&A was so much fun!  Thank you everyone who joined in  =3

So,  you got questions?  We got answers! (maybe....)

Just reply to this post with your questions below.  All inquiries are welcome.  Do you want to talk to the developers?  Do you just wanna know more about the kind of things your favorite character (s) like?  Are there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your chance to ask the devs what's happening?  Don't be shy, no question shall go unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3




1) Is Wolfstar allergic to anything specific? Like, we know he hates watermelons, but does he have any other allergies? Like, since he is a canine-like creature, is he allergic to chocolate and onions too? If so, does the same apply for Hyper? Actually all together, are the people of paradise have even allergies even in their afterlife all together….?? 2) Ok so we learned about the 2 out of the three Demons last times... But what about the 3rd one...!? I do have many questions about him, but for the time being i want to make only simple ones, like, do the other 2 demons know about him? It is pointed out that his face as a shape-shifter is a pure mystery, but do the other demons have even knowledge of him?


1) Whatever problems or hangups one has in life, they can carry over into the afterlife. 2) The other two demons know about the third pillar. To this day, they have yet to see the 3rd pillar's true form.

Simon Electric

Whatever became of Cornelius? Any relation to Rotter? They do favor one another.


Cornelius and Rotter are two sides of the same coin. As long as Rotter is around, Cornelius is "alive somewhere else".