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Scene:  Wolfstar floating upright in water, gazing at the stars in the night sky....

(From somewhere nearby, a familiar voice gently calls out.)

???:  "Wolfstar!  Wolfstar.  Wolfstar?"    

Wolfstar: "Hmmmm?"

Scene:  We see a reflection appear in the water.

Cornelius:  "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." 

Wolfstar:  "Go away, Cornelius.  You're suppose to be dead, remember?"

Scene:   Cornelius quickly observes his body.

Cornelius:  ''I am?  Oh my word, that's terribly upsetting news."

Wolfstar:  "It's not polite to disturb the dead you know."

Cornelius:  "I humbly offer my most profound of apologies.  How rude of me."

(Cornelius chuckles.)

Scene:  Cornelius returns his gaze to Wolfstar and smiles.

Cornelius: "Well this is rather unfortunate; I'm afraid you are mistaken my old friend.  Seems I am the model of perfect health."

(Wolfstar grumbles.)

Cornelius: "Forgive me for stating the obvious, but the only one who appears to be acting dead around here is you, Wolfstar."

Wolfstar:  "...so what if I am?"

Corneliu: "Do you mind returning back to life long enough to have some tea and cake with me?"

Wolfstar:  "...."

(Wolfstar's stomach begins to growl.)

Wolfstar:  "Dammit, who said you get a vote in anything, stomach?"

(With Cornelius' assistance, Wolfstar slowly rises up from the water.  Cornelius leads him away.)

(Screen fades to black. Scene ends)









Wonderland secret chapter images.

Error.  Error.


Mark:   "Help me!"


Simon Electric

Can't wait to see what happens next. Cornelius has become my crush .


We'll be seeing him again in the future. Many more surprises await =3


Awesome, awesome, awesome XD