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First of all, thank you everyone for sticking with me through this hard time.  I would like to avoid any more delays, however, my rheumatoid arthritis has teamed up with other complications.  I'm currently unable to sit, stand, or lay down without some kind of discomfort.  The part of me that enjoys darkness finds this situation absolutely hilarious, and for some reason I dared to ask  "Well Fate, what's next?"  Sure enough, I got my answer in the form of developing hemorrhoids and laryngitis....
Did humorous Fate give me medical problems of "shits and giggles"?
I'd like to think so   =3

It's been a rather awful month full of not being able to use my limbs, and going through tons of kleenix, but I can't help even now smiling.  My man is taking really good care of me, and don't think it escaped my notice that you patrons and fans have been so supportive too!  I'm so deeply grateful for your well wishes, and for reaching out.  I can't thank you enough for making me feel special, and I'm excited for a speedy recovery.  Delays may become a part of our future, we're doing what we can to get me proper medical insurance this month so I can get annual doctor check ups.  Thank you again for standing by.  Today was the first day I was able to start working again on House of Beef  (I've got a lot of work to catch up with),  afterwards, there will be plenty of new content for Sins coming soon! 



Glad to hear you are doing better man. Wish you only the best and a full recovery soon too. Will be looking forward for the next update for sure, but do not rush anything! Always your health comes first man!


All Good Glad things are getting better Bro, Health comes first. Shit happens the older we get things just start falling apart. The last thing you should say is "What now" or "What's next". At least you have someone to look after you and that's what counts in the long run.


We got another visit to the hospital for a checkup on the 20th, and hopefully that will be the end of all this =3


My age is 40, and instantly on the seventh month my entire body goes to pot lol x3


Ha Ha I know what you mean, I'm a Tad older (by 1/4. mumbles) It seams like It happens like clockwork.