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Thank you everyone who joined in last month's Q&A!!!  =3

So,  you got questions?  We got answers! (maybe....)

Just reply to this post with your questions below.  All inquiries are welcome.  Do you want to talk to the developers?  Do you just wanna know more about the kind of things your favorite character (s) like?  Are there measurements you wanna know for.....reasons?

Now's your chance to ask the devs what's happening?  Don't be shy, no question shall go unanswered!  (Spoiler Warning Ahead!  Viewers Beware!)

Don't hold back!  We'll do our best to provide you with satisfying answers!  

Let's have fun!  =3




(please excuse any misspell i do) Last couple of times learned plenty for paradise and its master, but at the same time, more questions did roused up as well. So here this time questions: Mammon. The Dragon/ Demon of Paradise. A greedy creature by nature, and surely with his "own" schemes of power, and ect.... But from your last info you gave over Taxtman, I got wondering about him... Mainly, is Mammon a real demon, or a Soul that passed away and become demon with time? Is it "Greed" (as the sin of greed) the source of his power and his way to control others and i mean like bind them like control similar to Taxmans power or maybe something like the bowler hats curse?? Also what was his inspiration? How was the big bad dragon given birth into your beautiful world of love and sin =3c....??


Mammon is an elder red dragon who managed to cross over into Paradise body and soul, along with all of his ill-gotten treasures. His hubris has left him cursed to sit upon his treasures for the rest of his time spent in the afterlife. He doesn't embody any virtue or vice like the Tax Man does. What inspired him? I wanted more than one major antagonist for our heroes who was a credible threat, but who had a huge flaw. Our villain is incredibly OP, but he is also bound under the city of Paradise. If angered, the big red lizard can throw a decent temper tantrum and quake the entire city--so there are good reasons not to piss him off. I also wanted a powerful force who has their own goals and desires that conflicts with those of the Tax Man. These two demons are passively aggressive to one another too. Example: Mammon's guards are encouraged to cause property damage to the Tax Man's city (Tax Man's power comes from the city itself, so these acts of vandalism chip away at his powers).


Wow. Just wow XD! This sounds rather interesting, to say the least! Also, I think I finally understood the "monthly money rent" taxman has, too.


But, how does taxman "heal" his city though? Is he just using the pigs to do so, or like just wished it repaired? I get either way tbh. I mean, the pigs are always working, cleaning the city, as they work under the effect of the haze from the fireworks, and all, and also the taxman can just "wave" them repaired and all, with a small cost of his energy too. An energy though that constantly replenishes at the end through the acts of lust he forces to all the souls... right?