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It's time to celebrate, and enjoy another batch of deliriously delicious devilish deviations dementedly devised by yours truly, to be devoured.  Merry Christmas fellow Sinners  >=3

Hugo got into a batch of reindeer transformation cookies.  You wanna try some too?  Maybe later join Deergo in some "reindeer games" ?

Hugo says:  "You're not allowed to unwrap until X-mas.  Though you're free to shake the package as much as you like.  Ha ha ha!"

Dagio:  "What are you looking at?  No breaks until December 26th!  Now get back to work before I take your souls!"

Rufus:  "Hey Wolfstar!  Cookies are ready, bro!"

Janus: "You mind taking my picture mate?  Make sure you get my good side! "

Hyper:  "What's in the box?  Why don't you take a look?"

Krampus Dagio:  "Step right up boys!  Make sure to wipe your feet on the new carpet, and don't forget to take a candy cane!"

We found the most sheer material in Paradise for reindeer boy Kato   >=3

Eralo....really?  You and your bukkake bombs   x3

Coltyn is out, proud, and looking fabulous!

Dragnus hits the scene!

Cornelius is here to keep this party going until next year!  >=3



Well... Dont mind if I do open that package! Wait...is that a mistletoe up there?


Janus, suuuuure is carrying A 6 pack with that huge cock of his. Any whhhhhhhhhhhy Magnus, Sailor Moon!?!? LOL