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<Extremely Devious Grin >=3

Okay that's enough of that nonsense, let's stop being coy and give up some details!  I've been chatting all month with the very talented pixel artist, Sphere, you can check out their amazing NSFW tumblr here:  https://spheregallery.tumblr.com/
















Okay, here we go!

Janus' route includes a lot of online gaming, and on Halloween night you agree to go out on a date inside his favorite MMO,...we're crossing over with ENDLESS BOUNTY!  (created by my mate Dyne  https://dynewulf.itch.io/endless-bounty)

Now, how does a developer like myself come up with a way to include tons of custom made avatars into Sins and Paradise, and make it feel like a well populated MMO with creative user names and interesting looking sprites, each one unique-- yet who still look like they belong in the same game world?

Also....not to be too down on myself, my pixel art skills SUCK!

OH MY GOD!   Who is this wonderfully talented shark bloke?  Why, he's the answer to our prayers!!!

So we chatted.

Came to a wonderful agreement, and we've got a deal rolling out soon for our

Imagine getting your OCs translated to pixel....then you can dress em up with our event costumes if you like....and imagine you get to WATCH Sphere create them on his stream...and then you get to have ME add your character into the visual novel with your custom name, ((maybe if there's time possibly custom message too))!

I'm telling you these dreams can come true!
Be on the look out for more information coming soon!  And as always, thank you so much for your support!

-With Love,

Team Paradise




Damn, that sounds like fun! Sign me up when the time comes XD! Also, it seems we will finally be seeing how the pc game shall be! Well, when the time comes will be looking forward to seeing this part too XD.


OwO Interested!


Now you just gotta figure out which one of your many characters will appear in Sins....not an easy undertaking =3


Hellz yeah! Lemme know if/when, and I can furnish character details.


Not really. I already know which of my oc's i want ^w^! I'll even gonna draw some new update reference of him for that too ^w^!