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Skunktember bros SJwolf and Northy.

Another Skunktember request with Robro.

Hugo joins the Bowler Hat Gang, looks like he wants you to be next!

(rereads the request)  Oooooh I was suppose to draw Hyper without any clothes on....and with wings.....oye vey  x3

Eralo says "Don't mind me, just making copies!"

Summer fun with Cornelius means nude beaches and ice cream.  You want a sticky treat?

Owen appears, and offers you a morning doughnut.

Fury corrupted Wolfstar giving Rotter and his enslaved cock piece a lesson in weight lifting....I think that's what's suppose to be happening here   x3

Massi and Corny enjoy a drink together at the bar.  Cheers Boss!

Dagio as a service top giving you the closeup service   >=3



Ok, I know WSaP has been out a while now, but I keep forgetting to ask. What is on/in Daigo's left pec...? A bullet hole? Tattoo of some kind? If there's a reference to it somewhere, I'm obviously blind, lol!


Damn man! I liked that you said that you were not going for a detailed DSN from now on, cause I really have to say, this is really some detailed work there! From Hyper's epic entrance, to Dagio's close up, this was really an awesome DSN for sure, and I do mean all of it XD!! After this, I am looking forward to seeing the next update game update as well ^w^!!


Thank you kindly Xeralex (curls up into a ball) "Oh no, standards and expectations." x3