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How did you like the new game over scene with Fury?



Holy seriously!?! There is a game over scene with fury O_o!?!? Damn i havent played in a while cause i have been focusing with my staff, but now i will definitely going to play over both games with the first chance i get XD...!


Since by the looks there is no chance for Hyper relationship (as there is only 5 stated in game info unless u holding a surprise for later) any more scenes with evil Hyper version Fury. Yes more please


Ok I just checked the story again, cause after i heard about it, I gave it a go. Truth is that every time i focus on getting the story on the good side ending ( and somehow, i do almost get it in one go too ^^;...) so it never accord me to try for a bad ending too... (well maybe other than the minotaur dream that is -////-....) Point is, I just checked it out again and I got to say I loved it, and I believe you should really go for more like this. It really was the perfect place for a "bad ending" too.


Thank you kindly Xeralex. There will be more bad endings to come too. Ironic that "bad endings" are good news =3