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Joe and Wolfstar go to pound town....really deep into pound town too.   Oye Vey  >.>!!!

Alex and Killik are having a heated debate about the merits of the United States economic stimulus packages...obviously  x3

Epsiloh was gifted a certain magical bowtie that may or not have created a new were-stripper in Paradise.

Dagio as the ultimate cupcake of evil.   You people are all freaks, I swear to God   x3

......nothing out of the ordinary here, right Janus?

Hyper says "Would you fuck me?   I'd fuck me.  I'd fuck me so hard!"

Not gonna lie, I kinda just went overboard on Corny the were-stripper here.   Like you care, yall thirsty shameless lusty moist bitches, and you know it  x3