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Dagio:  Give me a break Popuri, only weak-willed mortals...can...be...hypno.......

Fury's victims have various kinks, and their needs for those kinks are as galvanized as their body's alterations  >.>

Mmmmmffff mmmm mmhhhmmm mmmm mmmmmmm!!

Dagio learns, far too late, to stop messing with Wolfstar's dreams.  Welcome to the Minotaur March!

Janus is ready for any kind of fun and games....any kind.

Kilik:  Hey, while you're down there, can you help me with my back, bro?

Hugo:  Hiccup!  Well, let's get this party started!  Hiccup  x3

Physic:  Jenny, may I have this dance?

Just some extra serving of manly sausage from the first attempt at the Dagio picture tonight   x3



Drunk Hugo made it! <3 and those tips are well deserved! :3


What can I say, Hugo loves the night life. Thank you for making the request my big and kindly Dude_Broski!