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It never fails,  you're reading a story, playing a video game, or watching a tv series like "The Walking Dead", or "Game of Thrones"--and WHAM--the series offs a main character seemingly from out of no where.  What do you guys think about character deaths?



To me it just depends on the reason. Sometimes it simply comes down to that an author doesn't have any idea what to do with a character anymore so they kill that character off, which is lazy and shortsighted in my opinion. Other times they're just going for shock value, or killing off a character because they feel that someone has to die, i.e. Game of Thrones has conditioned people into thinking that if they don't kill off a character now and then the story may be boring. Then sometimes there is a logical story based reason and a fitting scenario for a character death which makes the story better for having occurred but that tends to rarely be the case. So in essence while I'm not outright against character deaths so long as they're well thought out and the story is better for it, I don't believe it's a necessity or something that ever really benefits anyone in the long run, plus S & P being set the way it is, you're already dead how are you supposed to die again? that's just illogical and would be way too convoluted if I'm being honest. In any case, that's just my opinion on the matter whatever you decide to do is ultimately up to you and I support your decision.


I'm aiming for the logical story based reason scenario for character death. Just putting that out there for you Richard =3