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Howlies Everyone, Happy Post 4th of July!

Everyday is freedom day, God bless America!

It's time to host Busts for a Buck!

How does this whole deal work? You simply donate a dollar, (or more if you like), using the tip link, leave a message in the journal comments or send a private message and I'll sketch a bust for you. For best results please leave me a link/ image/ detailed description of what you want me to draw.

****tip me link****


SPECIAL NOTE: LIMIT 2 busts per customer. I'm grateful to donations, but we are having this limit so more people can participate and get a bust made.

Other FAQs

Question: Didn't you just DO a request night thing?

A: Yeah, but those requests are randomly picked out. Usually I throw darts at my computer screen, and whichever comment they land on is the one I doodle. The difference with "Busts for a Buck" is that I'll be drawing for those who are donating money.


Question: What's a bust?

A: In this case, it is a character's head, shoulders, and chest/breasts.

Question: You'll draw anything?

A: No. I still reserve the right to refuse service to anyone/anything/outright reject what I find to be offensive content.

Question: Can we keep my bust private? I don't wish to have it posted/ I want it to be a surprise for someone else.

A: No problem. If you like to go this route I'll respect your wishes. Just please remember to leave me an email address so you can actually GET your picture sent to you.

Question I donated money by mistake/ I need to get a refund.

A: If for some reason a refund is in order,(you donated but I am unable to deliver for whatever reason), a refund can be made possible so long as you have a Paypal account.

Let's have a fun time with this!

You freaks every last one of you! 
