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Wow that was fast, another week down, and another night of free request sketches to crank out.  There's also a couple of new rules that have been added cause rules make everything fun.  x3

NEW****FAQ Drunk Request Nights****NEW
Who gets the final say on what gets made?
--I get final say on whatever I decide to do. Keep in mind, I have an  average of about seven requests that ever get done or that make it to be  posted on these nights.

So far my biggest issue on these nights is the time spent on having to  do research and hunt down the images I need to work.  An Average of ten  to thirty minutes have been wasted per request because I am searching on  Google, only so many hours in the day you know?
So how do we solve this problem?
Answer:  Provide Wolfstar with two reference images so he doesn't have  to waste time looking for the character you want him to draw, or hunting  down poses for the drawings as well.  That seems easy enough, just copy  and paste the url images of what character you'd like me to draw   (please just 1 character) and have a second image of the pose you'd like  me to draw them in.
This should help me crank out more drawings, which also means that there's a much higher chance to have your request done.
Thanks so much for helping me out.  

 I don't really like the picture you made for me, can you redraw it?
--Sorry, no.  We don't have enough time, wish we could.  I exercise my  right to 100% artistic freedom when I draw the images, which means they  will come out in any way shape or form that I like...or capable to do.  These are drunk sketches afterall. Not all of them will be to the best  of my abilities. Remember it's not only free stuff, it's random, and  it's just for fun. Don't be too serious about it, but a redo can be  discussed for commission should you really want.

 Original FAQ Drunk Request Nights 

I made a request last time, and it didn't get made. Can I repost the same request again?
--Absolutely. It's totally okay with me if you repost a past request  that didn't get made. It's not uncommon for me to crank out an average  of seven drawings on these nights. There's always a chance that I would  draw your request if I had the time to do so. Take a chance, what do you  got to lose?

Do you stream request nights?
--I don't stream request nights. I just visit the comments made on this post and read them.

Can anyone make a request?
--Yes anyone can make a request, that's why I asked. You do not have to be in my circle of friends to get a sketch done for you.
Heck, you could have stumbled upon this page by mistake, glanced at the post, leave a comment, and still get a sketch x.x!

Can I ask for NSFW content?
--NSFW is welcome, but again, I choose what gets done around here. If  you're not sure of what I am more likely to draw, then go take a look at  the posts around here x3

Do I need to make a report about what I want from you, or will a couple of sentences do?
--The more details you give me (descriptions of what you want to see/  links to images of the character) the better! >.<                               




Wolfstar target practice? Or some sort of marksman action shot. Practice target with photo of Dagio tacked to it optional. :)


I really want to see Hugo towering over someone similar to <a href="http://geekandsundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Bowser-Super-Mario-Bros-322x268.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://geekandsundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Bowser-Super-Mario-Bros-322x268.jpg</a> Cept with Hugo standing. Hope i did it right. (I would assume you have reference pictures of your own characters at hand)