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I forgot to remind you guys that Saturday night was Drunk Sketch Night.  Yeah, Wolfstar was special, and messed up.  That doesn't mean that you guys are gonna miss out though.  Just between us, these freebie sketches are only for my Patrons.  So start using the comments section below to make requests and thanks for your patience.  

 ****FAQ Drunk Request Nights****

I made a request last time, and it didn't get made. Can I repost the same request again?
--Absolutely. It's totally okay with me if you repost a past request  that didn't get made. It's not uncommon for me to crank out an average  of seven drawings on these nights. There's always a chance that I would  draw your request if I had the time to do so. Take a chance, what do you  got to lose?

Do you stream request nights?
--I don't stream request nights. I just visit my journal page on FA and read the comments.

Can anyone make a request?
--Yes anyone can make a request, that's why I asked. You do not have to be in my circle of friends to get a sketch done for you.
Heck, you could have stumbled upon this page by mistake, glanced at the journal, leave a comment, and still get a sketch x.x!

Can I ask for NSFW content?
--NSFW is welcome, but again, I choose what gets done around here. If  you're not sure of what I am more likely to draw, then go take a look at  the gallery x3

Do I need to make a report about what I want from you, or will a couple of sentences do?
--The more details you give me (descriptions of what you want to see/  links to images of the character) the better! >.<                               




I got my commission done. awesome pieces. had so much fun with him


am I missing something? according to the current reward tier if I read it correctly this VN will end up with a total of 3 cameos?