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Recently I posted a suggestion box to the journal on Fur Affinity  with some questions on how I can improve that website.  What concerned me most is the content I post, what kinds of artwork should get more attention there?  Below are some suggestions FA fans have come up with, and I'd like to know what you fellow fans of my work think.  Any of these ideas interest you, or are what you would like to see more of appear around here on Patreon?



I tried to limit myself but they all intrigue me ;_;


I say what you're dong is fine for what most people are paying for on your patreon :3 Honestly, I think you might be stretching yourself a little thin by taking on free art, plus those drunk night sketches, plus a VN. While I appreciate all the work that you do, I wouldn't work so hard as to burn yourself out. In the end, as long as you're having fun that's all I really care about ^^