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So about the bust for a buck drawings i was wondering if you would be willing to  make a character for me..(i'm not that talented in the drawing the department so i dont really have a drawing of my fursona) 

If it helps i can give a description...my fursona is a polar bear and i'm always wearing  half-frame glasses and a black/white striped beanie


Sounds like a cool character [puns].  I'm gonna flood you with some questions to get a better idea of your guy:  What type of body does he have?  Muscular, fat, thin? Does he look more like a bear than a human?   How old is he?    Does he have any facial hair--stubble, a mustache, or beard, or clean shaven? Does he have hair?  Long, short, three strands, bald? What does he like to do?  Is he active, inactive?  Does he have a Job?  Does he have a hobby like music, or video games? 


lol alright bear with me then heheheh.  He is 24 kinda chubby has more of a beer belly(prefers whiskey or rum), beard,short hair(teal colored on the ends if that makes any difference), and he is a forensic scientist who spends his downtime either helping a friend program music for their band or playing team based games with them 

oh almost forgot he resembles more bear i guess...uhh think werebearish  s1369.photobucket.com/user/joshu…   [this link was the closest i could find to it]

Cancel the previous message lol i just thought about it and honestly a better description would be he is more like a slightly hairier version of Coach from EA going from the looking more like a bear than a human...and i'm sorry if i'm making this complicated i just really suck with putting thoughts/images into words lol


No worries dude, that's why I asked the questions, to give you some time to sort things out.  I got enough to go off of now, will doodle up your bust tomorrow when I wake up.  Thanks again for joining in the event Aeon  


It's no problem you're one of my favorite artist in the community so that was more than enough reason to join in on this event.Thanks for being willing to make a character for me I know it was a out of the way request and I'm really looking forward to seeing it :3




It came out so well!!! XD I applaud my good sir.. thanks again for doing this for me


I might have to commission you to make a fursona. This one came out so well! I really love the older look to him and that chubby belly :3