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Some of you have discovered recently, the latest builds of "Wolfstar: Sins and Paradise" have had credits since April's build (which was launched on April 1st); consequently, May's build of the game's credits was altered prior to the trivia's release.  Question 9 has two correct answers thanks to this alteration.  It was my responsibility to inform all of you to "re-download the newest build" that had all the altered content.  I knew I forgot to do something important  x3  In light of this information, we now have two official 1st place winners for the contest and new prize positions means that there has been shifted winners for the quiz, the new winner places are as follows:  

1st place (two winners)  Epsiloh and Vic Venom.

Prize: YCH Color Picture with a character of your choice from Sins and Paradise! 

2nd place (two winners) Aeon and CrescentXMoon.

Prize:   B&W Sketch of a character from Sins and Paradise! 

3rd place (one winner) TheSubtleBrony

Prize:  B&W Bust Sketch of a character from Sins and Paradise! 

I apologize for any confusion.  Same rules about prizes still applies, they will be made at the start of next month.  Fraud or declined patrons will be disqualified, and a new winner will be announced for prizes.  Thanks again for playing Sins and Paradise!  =3



Congrats for the win Epsiloh and Vic


Wow... *run out of words Me just play that game because me want learn renpy