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We got some events to look forward to this month!

FAQ  Drunk Sketch Night:

How do you know what to draw?--I visit my notifications page here and read the comments.

Can anyone make a request? --Yes anyone can make a request, that's why I asked.  You do not have to  be in my circle of friends to get a sketch done for you.
Heck, you could have stumbled upon this page by mistake, glanced at this post, leave a comment, and still get a sketch x.x!

Is it okay to ask for NSFW requests? --NSFW is welcome, but again, I choose what gets done around here.  If  you're not sure of what I will draw, then go take a look at  the posts  x3

Special Note --The more details you give me (descriptions of what you want to see/ links to images of the character) the better!  >.< 

Memorial Day  Bust 4A Buck

 Donate a dollar using the tip link, and I'll sketch a bust for you.  For  best results give me a link/ image/ detailed description of what you  want me to draw. 

****tip me link****

Question, what's a bust?
A:  In this case, it is a character's head, shoulders, and chest/breasts.

Question, you'll draw anything?
A: No.  I still reserve the right to refuse service to  anyone/anything/outright reject what I find to be offensive content.  

Question, can we keep my bust private?  I don't wish to have it posted/ I want it to be a surprise for someone else.
A:  No problem.  If you like to go this route I'll respect your wishes.   Just please remember to leave me an email address so you can actually  GET your picture sent to you.

Question, I donated money by mistake/ I need to get a refund.
A:   If for some reason a refund is in order, (you donated but I am unable  to deliver for whatever reason), it shouldn't be impossible to do so  long as you have a Paypal account.     

Enjoy the events, mark your calendars fellow freaks and don't miss out  =3




Request: Wolfstar x Hyper


I would love to see Hugo vs Boss. since they both seem like menacing characters