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Hana VS Mai
Seraphina VS Christine (Topless)



It's really great to see (what seem to be to me anyway) improvements every time you upload! I'm liking the way the girls struggle back up after knockdowns and how increasingly punch-drunk they seem to get as the bout drags on. One feature request, if I may be so bold, though, is to add different sizes and styles of gloves. Personally, the big, heavy, curvy Winning gloves are some of my favorites. Food for thought! Keep yo the great work!


Very happy you like it! Different gloves is something I’ll look into as im at the mercy of whatever asset is available out there, but it will be implemented at some point. Possibly after custom requests become available

Brad Janus

I'm looking forward to seeing you offer the mixed matches between the sexes. That will be amazing (as if this could get any better). great work