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I'll make this update available for everyone since you're mostly here for this content. 

I've been silent for a while because I've been working non-stop for the last 2 weeks on EVERYTHING Zippers related. Basically before my trip to Anthrocon I had page 11 and 14 sketched up and only pages 15 and 16 barely story boarded. So, right after AC I worked on season 2 and I'm happy to report that pages 11 to 20 are ALL inked and currently being colored as we speak. I have a couple side Zippers comics as well, Zippers: Job Interview and Karnak's intro comic (which are both inked and being colored as wel speak.)

the idea is to have a major build up of art work so I don't have to have long pauses like this for content creation as well as have time for other stuff. Yes, I have a couple of short comics one is the Suit Printer Series which the story is in tantamount with the main Zippers series. I still have the Death suit comic to work on to, but I wont have a preview of that for at least a week. I'm sorry >w<. Please understand that I'm working as hard and fast as possible to have everything done on time. I wanted to do this around may, but due to equipment manfunctions and other blackswan events, I wasn't able to. I'm sorry to say that this july I may not post as much as I did in the past due to the buildup. If you're willing to wait and support me, I promise to make the wait worth it. 



Jan Baer

Zippers is awesome!