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Heya! Danji here.

Over the last couple years you guys have allowed us to accomplish some truly amazing things thanks to your ongoing generosity. First things first, I want to make sure that I thank you all for sticking with us and being the very best fans we could ever hope for!

There's a couple major things we're going to be changing as we go into the new year, but you guys will continue to benefit! We just want to make sure that we're entirely transparent about what we're doing.

First things first, we're going to simplify the tiers a bit. There are a few tiers that literally nobody's subscribed to and we are planning to ax. However, we are also going to ax the $10 tier as most people seem to be in the $5 or $15 tiers anyway. HOWEVER, if you're currently in the $10 tier, you'll continue to receive your usual benefits indefinitely, but starting in January there will be no $10 tier for newcomers. Think of it as being grandfathered in. :3

Secondly, we will be raising prices slightly in January for commissions. HOWEVER AGAIN, all patrons will be able to commission us at the lower prices for at least an additional month, perhaps more depending on demand. This means that Level 1 commissions will go from $75 to $90, but all currently existing patrons will be able to stay at $75 at least through to the end of January.

In general we're always looking for ways to make sure you feel more valued. Exclusive Telegram and Discord groups for chatting with us, random little surprises, even chances for free sketches are all perks we're proud of. We'll be continuing to add to the $15 tier as that is by far the most popular tier, giving you additional bonuses and surprises that we haven't been offering yet. What exactly does that entail? Well, you'll just have to stay tuned, won't you? :D


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