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Hello Cowboys!! How are you? I hope everyone is well and that you are having a great start to the new year.

I was a little absent during the beginning of January, as I took some time to do some commissions and rest. Although I haven't finished any artwork, I made several sketches during the beginning of this month and I hope to bring them to you soon.

Here's the first look at what the Danny Phantom and Dash Baxter package will look like.

The package will have two versions: A visible Danny and another version with invisible Danny. Just as you can see in these two arts. I have plans to do some exclusive art for the second version, but I can't confirm it yet.

Next month we will have the monthly Avengers pages again and another new comic with original characters.

Well see, you guys soon.




Broo, we need de Avengers Comisssion please🙈