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After discovering that Thanos is after the Infinity Gems, the Avengers arrive in Wakanda to protect Vision who is under the care of Doctor Strange.

As the sorcerer is not yet in Wakanda, the avengers take advantage of the first night to discover more about Wakanda and its culture.

Hello my milk machines. How are you? I hope you're doing well!!

Here are the new pages of our monthly comic!! I hope you like the result.

Mirov Magazine News with Chris H: He agreed to participate in our magazine and we are already talking about our photo shoot.

We have two ideas for Mirov Magazine

I) - The Mirov Corporation is developing a new type of technology that allows transporting the mind and body of whoever uses the device to a cybernetic reality. Chris Hemsworth could be our first guinea pig.

II) - Mirov Studios is developing a new blockbuster and we want Chris to play our main character. The actor has already shown interest in the role, but to be approved he needs to pass the costume test.

We will bring you more news soon.



M. Moon

lol Thor rejecting Spidey's advances is so funny. Hopefully they can play nice in due time. I love seeing your art's progression. Your dialogue is getting better.

Popii Qué

I love how clueless Thor is #himbo 🥵