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Hello guys!!

Here are this month's injustice pages.

I'm very happy with the final results of the Deadpool and Colossus comic. The dynamic reminds me a lot of the Mister Incredible comic mixed with Injustice.

I really liked the story of the Deadpoll comic, because of that, this mini comic will have 4 pages.

I also finished the story of Korgul, my OC who won the poll.

As I said, the story will not be a comic. It will be more text-focused, but I'm thinking of making some images to illustrate.

Korgul's story will be called "The Day of Horse and Fire" and will be available next month.

Speaking of next month... starting next month, the payment method will change. (The value of the tiers will remain the same, don't worry) .
>> Patreon allowed me to change the method and you will now only be charged after a month of subscription.

That is, if you signed on January 28th, you will pay on January 28th and again only on February 28th, and no longer on February 1st.

For those who are paying every 1st day, there will be no changes, I believe.

This will be better for you, I hope.

Well, that's the news for now. See you soon and hope you like the new pages.




Carnal 🔥 Loved it!